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    Assets confiscated to the Mafia become commons again || Castelvetrano is a town in the province of Trapani, infamous for being the homeland of the super-fugitive boss Matteo Messina Denaro, on land confiscated from the mafia CRESM has created […]


      SPRARProtection system for asylum seekers and refugees The PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS AND REFUGEES — SPRAR is a public hosting system – National Fund for Asylum Policies and Services – consisting of centers run by organizations of the third… Read More »SPRAR


        Action for the enhancement of the skills and resources of Tunisian expats || ACTION VERTE promoted the enhancement of the skills and economic resources of Tunisian migrants residing in Sicily with the aim of supporting their socio-professional reintegration and promoting investments in their homeland, also […]


          Art, craftsmanship, and design for the revitalization of the historic centers of the Mediterranean || MEDNETA is implemented within the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin 2007/2013 program. The project is funded by the EU through the European european Neighbourhood Investment and Euro-Mediterranean cross-border partnership instrument […]


            The European Program for Integration and Migration || EPIM links the resources and skills of many foundations in order to strengthen the role of civil society in building inclusive communities and developing human and sustainable responses to migration, based […]


              COMUNITÀ URBANE SOLIDALICommunity cultures for a community of cultures Palermo is a multi-ethnic city with a long popular tradition of hospitality: COMUNITÀ URBANE SOLIDALI — CUS recognizes and promotes the innovative potential in the cultural, social and productive sphere that… Read More »COMUNITÀ URBANE SOLIDALI


                Il progetto “Arlekin” continua ad essere attivo attraverso il nuovo progetto CreEA, all’interno del programma Erasmus+, coordinato da Cnam Lorraine i cui partner sono:  il Cnam di Parigi, il CRESM, Il Forum Europeo sulla Sicurezza Urbana, l’Università di Minho, la… Read More »CREEA