Assets confiscated to the Mafia become commons
Castelvetrano is a town in the province of Trapani, infamous for being the homeland of the super-fugitive boss Matteo Messina Denaro, there CRESM has created the FATTORIA VITATTIVA BIO on land confiscated from the mafia: 7 hectares are now destined for the organic cultivation of vegetables and officinal plants.
The project starts in 2013 with the aim of networking skills, recovering and restoring value to local resources, creating tools for the active participation of disadvantaged groups, providing useful services, creating new opportunities. The project is supported by Fondazione con il Sud and Tavola Valdese.
There are three central, reciprocally complementary project actions: the activation of a socio-occupational inclusion laboratory for disadvantaged individuals (LIS); mapping of accessible territorial resources; the enhancement of the land confiscated from the mafia. In collaboration with the social services of the Municipality of Castelvetrano, the opportunity was given for people with disabilities to work in the Fattoria VitAttiva Bio for the management of crops and family gardens for the local community.
The land managed by the CRESM, once used as a citrus grove and inactive for about 40 years, is reborn with the cultivation of vegetables and medicinal plants, lending itself to other social projects on the model of educational farms.
Thanks to the creation of a mapping in the province of Trapani of the sites and services with high tourist potential accessible to the disabled, the Fattoria VitAttiva Bio project offers the possibility of promoting sustainable local tourism.
The project is funded by:
Link to the project: